What is going on with you? Lately, you have begun to act out in ways that we are not used to. Wednesday, you threw a fit in front of half of your school as we were walking out. The entire car pool line saw you melt into a puddle of toddler on the cold sidewalk. Many moms tried to help me, as I was also carrying your brother in his car seat - some even offered
suggestions (they are lucky I was holding your brother in his car seat!). Even after I finally had to carry you to the car and got you home - the fit ended up lasting almost an hour. You threw a fit at our neighbor's house a couple of weeks ago - and were so rude to them. Things that just aren't normally like you - or are they now?
Is it your brother? Are you realizing that he is here to stay? Is it that I have to split my attention between you? Are you just trying to exercise independence? I'm thinking it is a little bit of everything.
We played this morning in your room and it was lovely. Max took a nap, and rather than clean the house, or put laundry in, or do other various things, I just played with you. We played in your room for a long time - still in our pajamas at 11 AM. Because you know what? I can live with the house being a wreck. The moments spent with you cuddled in your bed pretending to be asleep are moments I'll keep forever - I won't remember if the house was clean or not.
You, my girl, are so very special to me. You are the oldest, just like I was. I turned out OK (I think), and so will you. I'm learning to share my time with both you and Max - something we'll all have to figure out as we go.
Love that glamour shot! She's a wild child alright! But she's still an angel. Love her and can't wait to see you guys again.
We soooo have to chat next week - you are not alone in this!
I love that picture. Dealing with toddler's phases (a nice way to put it :)) is much more difficult with another child, let alone the possibility that the other child may be intensifying it. I have not figured it out!
Oh, YES, you turned out OK. I am VERY proud of you, Carrie. I am so glad that I had those precious moments playing with you and your sisters.
There might be bigger bank accounts or more prestigious jobs than the one I have now. But, I wouldn't trade the time I spent being a full time Mom each day during your baby and little girl years for all the money or careers.
Of course, that was the choice your dad and I made. Everyone has to make their own choices, what is best for them and their families.
no advice to give. just hang in there.
No advice from me, either :( Just know that you are not alone in dealing with what feels like your child going through a personality change!
This picture says it all. She is full of attitude but so stinking cute. Good luck. This to shall pass!
She sounds a lot like Caroline. Very big girl and is always great and independent, but still little and cannot keep it together 24/7. Since she knows you love her no matter what you get the meltdowns when she just can't quite make it or has had a really rough day.
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