Yesterday was Charlotte's last day of school. It's hard to believe that she is done with the school year. It really seems like yesterday that I was dropping her off for the first day.
Here she is on the first day and the last day - looks like someone became a little girl this year. She looks so toddler to me in that first picture - and so little girl in the second. Just this past week, on different occasions, my mom, Judd, and I have asked her to stop growing. She refuses to do so.
They had a beach party on the last day of school. Then, it was back inside to go through their "End of the Year Book". Her teachers spent SO much time putting these together - they are amazing.
After that it was time for shaving cream art - she absolutely LOVES doing this. I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of shaving cream art this summer.
Then, it was time to leave. She hugged her wonderful teachers good bye and we headed out of the door for the last time until the end of August.
This past week her teachers gave the kids a tour of the rooms they will be in next year. They told all of the kids that they will probably be in school 5 days a week next year. Currently, Charlotte is signed up to go just 3 days a week next year. (There is a 3 day and 5 day option for 3 year olds) She came home SO excited that she would get to go to school 5 days a week next year. I said, "But don't you want to stay home with Mommy and Max some days?" She replied, "No, because you put me in time out." So, we are on the wait list for the 5 day program. Not sure if I'll really make the decision to send her 5 days, though.
Printable Pocket Chart Rhyming Game
1 week ago
That is so funny! Glad she had such a great year. Let's get together this summer since we will both be free from schedules!
She looks so much taller in the second picture. That is so funny about time out. I hope you all have a great summer. I can't wait til we get to the beach.
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