Friday, December 23, 2011

Cookie Decorating Time

We packed up the car this morning and headed down to Judd's parent's house to start the Christmas festivities. We arrived around lunchtime, unpacked the car, and settled in.

Last night, I made some sugar cookies so that we could do our annual Christmas cookie decorating. We decided to go ahead and decorate them this afternoon, rather than on Christmas Eve, because tomorrow could be a busy day! We mixed up some icing and got to work.


Charlotte was UNABLE to keep the sprinkles and M&Ms out of her mouth. She understood she wasn't supposed to, but she really could not keep her hand out of her mouth. So, Emily, categorized cookies by "kid decorators" and "adult decorators".


Lilly was pretty savvy with the frosting and sprinkles. I'm pretty sure any fine restaurant would hire her as a pastry chef.


Emily rescued Max from the crib and he had a great time just watching everything.


Grandmother got in on the action.


Charlotte decorated quite a few cookies, I was surprised by how long she lasted. But, when she was done, she was done. She did taste test a finished cookie and declared it "Yummy!".


The finished products:
