Last week, I packed the kids into the car and headed up towards Athens for a Homestead Tour at
Lazy B Farm. We met up with Cyndi - who runs the farm. She has 6 kids, which she home schooled - I'm really not sure how she has the time to do all of this. It was amazing.
We first started in the "classroom". We saw some baby turkeys. (See the dog protecting them? she was like that the entire time we were around the turkeys)
The kids learned about wool, where it comes from, how you can use it.
Then, it was time to get going. We learned about some goats and horses.
Then, it was time to talk about bees. This was a pretty interesting. The kids were so good, and very attentive.
Max thought it was pretty entertaining too.
Cyndi tailors her tours towards the age of the kids touring - we had all 3-4 year olds. So, we weren't able to put equipment on and see what the bee hives looked like inside, but we did get a very good explanation of everything.
After the bees, the kids got to brush some goats, sheep, and a calf. Then we headed over to the garden. This was my favorite part. The vegetables were amazing. She gave us some herbs to taste right out of the ground. It made me want to start a garden next year.
After the garden, we headed over to take a look at the chickens. We were able to watch Cyndi collect a few eggs.
From there, it was time to see the pigs.
After the pigs, there were a few kiddos that were getting tired and hungry, so we pulled out our picnic lunches and ate under her shade tree. Cyndi had just harvested honey, so I bought some honey. She also had some grass fed beef for sale, so I bought 2 lbs of that. I'm interested to try it and see how it tastes verses the corn fed beef we're so used to.
It was a great trip. While I don't think I'll start homesteading any time soon, I admire people that do. It looks like a lot of hard work. But what a reward!