Max celebrated a birthday today. He turned 2. I was rocking him tonight singing to him and thinking back to when he was a baby. How much he has changed in two years. He is such an awesome little boy. I laid him in his bed. He was clutching one of his new trucks in his hand. I thought there isn't a better way for a 2 year old birthday boy to go to bed, but to have one of his new trucks in his hand.
We started the day off with donuts. Chocolate with sprinkles. Charlotte was allowed to stay home from school this morning so she could hang out with the birthday boy. We headed off to the zoo.
We had the best morning. They were both very good. Since Max isn't really a fan of the stroller for longer than 2 minutes, I opted to go without it. He walked through the entire zoo. I think the longest I carried him was when I had to take him kicking and screaming away from the playground when it was time to leave. It was such a freeing feeling!
First stop was to see the stinky flamingos, then it was off to feed the parakeets. The zoo was pretty empty this morning and the parakeets were ready to eat. We haven't had them eat off our sticks like they did this morning, Charlotte loved it.
Max giggled every time a bird would take a bite for the first few bites. It was really cute.
We walked through the warthogs, giraffes, zebras, lions, monkeys, then to the gorillas. The gorillas were all out enjoying the beautiful weather, playing with their babies. We had a great time watching them. Max would pound on his chest like a little gorilla.
We saw some of the pandas, then stopped for a quick snack and took a look at our map. Charlotte was able to follow the map surprisingly well. She would point and know right where we were. She carried it with her the entire way through the zoo.
Next up, the kangaroos and the petting zoo.
Then, the best part! The rides!
However, Max freaked when it was time to go on the train. He wanted NOTHING to do with it. Luckily, Charlotte was just tall enough to ride by herself. She was thrilled to be able to go by herself. She sat in the front seat and waved to us as the "engineer" yelled "ALL ABOARD!". I was really proud of her, but also really sad. Today, she seemed really grown up to me.
We spend some time at the playground, but then needed to get back for Max to get a nap in before his 2 year well check.
He wasn't so sure about his check up at first, and there was some screaming and tears, but by the end he was giving the Dr. a high five. Here are his stats:
Weight: 29lbs, 76%
Height; 37.25", 99%
Head: 20", 97%
He is saying new words everyday and is very expressive. He is sensitive, but tough. He wants me to kiss every bump or scrape, but he rarely cries when they happen. He loves to cuddle and hug, but wants his freedom too. He thinks he is just as big as any other kid. He is happy to play by himself with his trucks or trains. He knows his colors and shapes.
He is doing well with school and didn't cry at drop off at all last week. He is still taking his paci at night and at naps, but I think it's days are drawing to a close soon. I have to pull the plug, I'm just not ready!! We are no where near ready to potty train.
He is just such an awesome little guy and I'm so thankful that God gave him to us.