It's been quiet around here, but for good reason. <br><br>
I went back to work in December. The company that I had been working for as a part time contractor asked me to come on as an employee. I said that I could do that, but I could only work 20-24 hours a week and only go into the office 1 day. They agreed to that, and so I started! <br><br>
I'm working Tues, Wed, Thursdays - the days that both kids are in school. They go to school in the morning and then a teacher from their school gets them and brings them back to the house. So far, it's been working out really well. There has been some adjustments, but overall, I think it has been a smooth transition. <br><br>
I am enjoying the work that I'm doing - it is exactly what I would want to do if I could type out a job description. By Tuesdays I'm ready to go to the office and by Thursdays I'm ready to just spend time with the kids. It really seems to be a perfect situation. <br><br>
Also, our house went under contract at the beginning of January. We are through the contingency phase, and everything seems to be on track to close at the end of February. <br><br>
Where are we moving?? WE HAVE NO IDEA.<br><br>
Both Judd and I have been consumed with the decision. There are NO houses on the market in our area. If a decent house comes on the market, you have to jump on it immediately. A couple of weeks ago a house came on the market, we scheduled to go see it that evening at 6PM. Before we made it to the house it had 3 offers. It is crazy. It seems to be a sellers market - which is awesome if you are selling your house - not so awesome if you want to buy. <br><br>
We have been considering moving out of Dekalb county and down to Peachtree City. The houses are big and nice, the area seems nice, the schools (on paper) seem great. But, it is FAR away from everything we know. And the one day a week I have to commute into the office would be awful - probably almost 2 hours to come home in the afternoon. Plus it means starting all over - finding a church, finding a preschool, working out part time childcare, finding new friends.<br><br>
Luckily, we found out that our buyers don't need to be out of their apartment until mid-April. So, we are able to rent our house back from them after we close on it. That buys us at least another month.<br><br>
I'm determined to put it out of my mind for a while this week, though. A certain little girl is turning 5 on Friday. We are having a party on Friday night and my parents are coming into town to help us celebrate. She is beyond excited about being 5 -"finally", she says. She has watched a lot of her friends turn 5 and just can't wait. I think I can wait, though. 5 seems so big. She is this little kid now, all traces of baby seem to have faded. While it has been awesome to see her grow and develop into this awesome little girl, I am missing my baby.
Spring Lesson Plans For Preschoolers!
4 days ago
My parents live in DeKalb! I had no idea the housing market was so crazy there! Good luck!
Congrats, great news! Having just started over myself in the past year, I get what you are saying. However, it was still the best move for my family in the long run even if you do experience a transitional period. To me it made sense to do it when the kids didn't also have a lot of attachments from real school. I was just talking to Rachel Walters about that recently and she was telling me the move has been really good for her career and family. Each Saturday they wake up and think what they want to do that Saturday as a family instead of all the commitments they had to fulfill in their previous community. The experience for me has been refreshing too in discovering a new area, finding a great new preschool, and meeting a lot of new people. Adjusting still and likely will be for awhile, but again the best move for my family's future. Good luck.
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